Much like an Adele album, we have more often than not used our age as the first issue title. So yes, this is the 25th edition of the Jenny Revue we are publishing. The “ish” is because we won’t actually be printing it, so by publishing we mean electronically.

We are only doing the online version this year due a number of things that conspired to almost keep us dark completely this Fringe. Over the winter we lost Manitoba publishing icon Gordon Shillingford (there is a nice tribute to him at He was a great supporter of Manitoba playwrights and also supported the Jenny by advertising with us for many years.

We also lost another long-time advertiser when the Manitoba NDP was somewhat reduced in the last election.

Last, and certainly not least, Coral McKendrick (our Esteemed Editor Emeritus) who is quite fond of her cats, is not quite as fond of her cataracts, the worsening of which have made the rigours of staring at a computer screen to manage and edit the Jenny impossible. So, with Coral’s blessing, to keep the Jenny going I decided to gather the troops and keep it alive, at least in its electronic form.

Most of the rest is the same, we are publishing Reviews, SSPs and any other letters, news and tom foolery that accompanies the Winnipeg Fringe. You can check out our searchable Online Winnipeg Fringe Program and Schedule to find shows.

Coral is supposed to be crafting an Editorial for later in the Fringe, Improv Impressario and long time Jenny co-hort Shawn Kowalke will also be contributing and MC’ing the Jenny Awards, Michelle Cook is busy sewing donkeys for said awards show, and our small cadre of intrepid reviewers are busy seeing shows and writing reviews.

However, we still need your help. The Jenny was started as a medium for everyone involved with the Fringe to have a place to share their fringe experience. It was the original crowd-sourced media for the Fringe. So send anything you want to share about the Fringe to and we will put it out there.

Jenny 101:

  • Reviews—We do a few things differently at the Jenny, one of the biggest differences is we do not use a star or number rating system. Yes that means you actually have to read a review to see what the person reviewing the show thought about it. We have always done it this way, and think that it is a better way to do things. We accept reviews from anyone, with only one condition: You must provide your real name, and some form of contact info (so you can be reached in case we need clarification). Not all the reviews we receive may get published but in general as long as the review was well written it will be published on the website.
  • Shameless Self-Promotion—If you are in a Fringe play and haven’t shamelessly promoted your show, put together 80 words (or less)—different from your program blurb—and send them to us. Clearly mark them as SSPs since it’s difficult to tell the difference between an unqualified rave by a satisfied patron, and a bombastic bit of self-promotion by a company scribe.
  • Letters—Got an opinion on something at the Fringe? It is always better to get it off your chest. Send us your thoughts with your name and contact info and if it catches our eye we’ll spread the word.
  • News—Our editor is always looking for interesting or wacky things that have happened during the Fringe. If you have a tale to tell, let us know.
  • The Jenny AwardsHeld upstairs at the King’s Head Pub, the last Sunday of the Fringe starting at 10ish pm. If your show has been mentioned this year in the Jenny, either in reviews,SSP’s, Letters or Editorials then you may be added to one of our categories. Winners are decided by the crowd, and you must be in attendance to win. More details will be provided later in the festival.

Enjoy the Fringe!

Murray (Jenny Cyber Guru)