One Woman Sex and The City: A Parody of Love, Friendship and Shoes

Yellow Flamingo Productions—The Playhouse Studio

Break out your Manolos and check in with Carrie Bradshaw and the gang as Kerry Ipema reviews and recreates key memory-filled moments from all six seasons of Sex And The City. Unlike one-person-movie plays, Kerry throws in the occasional snarky comment to mix with Sex’s original dialogue, adding to the fun. Half tribute, half parody productions like this always hit the mark because it’s the healthiest mindset when you can see through the source material, yet still be a fan of it. And did Sex really have that many puns? And if so, where was Samantha’s boast that she was a trysexual (because she would try anything once)? To quote and sort of paraphrase Kerri, in the form of how Carrie might end one of her columns, “Can the land of designer shoes and fringe festivals aid a modern woman in finding her sole?”

Beau Hajavitch