Mike Delamont: Mama’s Boy

Mike Delamont: Mama’s Boy—MTYP – Mainstage

Mike Delamont has his fingers in 3 out of the 5 pies under MTYP’s roof this Fringe. Besides the fan favorite, ‘God is a Scottish Drag Queen lV, which is selling out, he is also soloing in this play. He also directs ‘Vasily Djokavich : Russia’s #1 State Approved Comedian’. Quite the busy man.

When I heard Delamont was doing a serious play, I couldn’t wait to see what this extremely talented man had crafted. I knew it would be great to see him out of drag and show a complete turnaround from his screamingly funny role as God. Here, he does not bounce off the audience as he usually does. You can sit back, relax and hear him relate the supposedly true (you never know with this guy) tale of his upbringing. I’m not going to repeat the program; the plot is there. Just know you you will remember this for a long time. Many female audience members left streaming tears. He will just keep gaining more of a following as he does it all sublimely, comedy, drama and for the first time in a decade he sings beautifully on stage. He has the theatrical Midas Touch.

Lisa Campbell