Vasily Djokavich: Russia’s #1 State Approved Comedian

Morgan Cranny—MTYP – Richardson Hall

This idea tickled my curiosity as I saw Mike Delamont directed this and he doesn’t do ‘bad’. I also know he’s from Victoria so I strongly suspected the Russian thing was just a front.

Morgan Cranny has perfected the engaging persona of a cowed, tragic and and endearing Russian on an exciting cultural exchange. He has some very funny, and downright silly observations of Canadian and Russian culture and has the audience enjoying every minute. His crazy tale of how Russian comedians are selected and trained was particularly far -fetched and humorous. I love how he never cracks a smile, looking over his shoulder in fear at being “shot in the face” by some unseen government force.

When he promised Russian vodka to a willing volunteer, I jumped at the chance; hoping it was the excellent Russian stuff I was taught to drink straight, with appreciation for the smoothness. Like his act, it was the real thing, it went down easy and left a great taste in your mouth. I will be looking for him in the future.

Lisa Campbell