Fruit Flies Like a Banana

The Fourth Wall—School of Contemporary Dancers

Made up of a classically trained flautist, percussionist and bass trombonist, this trio makes music in all sorts of unconventional ways. Most of the music should be familiar to you but the way its presented leaves you oohing, aahing, laughing and cheering.

“Time flies like an arrow,” and it sure does—the hour soars by, leaving you wishing for more. Wacky, zany, goofy, funny and fun—you never know what comes next. If you only see one show, this would be
a great one to choose. I think that Winnipeggers stand too eagerly for ovations—and it takes something spectacular to get me on my feet. Today is the first time I’m on my feet in a decade.

The audience decides the order of the skits. The order doesn’t matter much since you eventually run through all the cards anyway. Now if there were more cards and skits than time, I would leave unsatisfied and wonder what I missed. I may even come back for another viewing hoping for the missing pieces (hint-hint!).

Ray Yuen