Roller Coaster

Big Sandwich Productions—Dramatic Arts Centre

What a way to start my Fringe! Fringe God T.J. never disappoints. His shows are masterfully crafted and his humble ‘aw shucks’ persona is instantly engaging and he has you in the palm of his hand from start to finish. It’s always over too soon. This year’s new show is titled due to his experience at Universal’s Harry Potter theme park in Orlando. His style weaves in and out flawlessly between topics; a hilarious tale full of his astute observations of life. Besides the park, which he adores, his topics this year include Trump, zombies, the causes of war, development of humanity, and the apocalypse. Would you survive? He thinks the value of a monologist might not be that great in the end of days. He also shares his billeting experiences, which ranged from the unbearable to sublime in one day. (I hope my billet won’t use us on stage one day.)  I was very interested in his description of the Orlando Fringe, which I would love to attend one day. It sounds quite different from ours. He also shares his brilliant analysis of pop culture and the influence of X-Men, comics, and pop music on society. He interacts constantly with the audience; treating you like a friend discussing life and is so warm and charming. You always leave his shows with a fuzzy feeling.

He lives his work, teaching writing at college and leading writing workshops. This extensive experience means you will be treated to a work of such quality, that you will be reflecting on his ideas for some time. Be sure to grab his program, which shares some excellent reading suggestions, which I plan to peruse after the Fringe.

Do not miss!

BTW This is a very comfy, air conditioned venue that some find cold, so bring a sweater.

Lisa Campbell