Peter vs. Chris

Peter n Chris—John Hirsch Mainstage

The ultimate bro-mance returns to the fringe! The boys are back with another one of their signature shows. Back with a laugh a minute and some slips to boot, this highly physical dynamic duo have proved once again they have what it takes to deliver one liner after one liner. The show was very silly, but that’s what makes it so charming. Their friendship is so endearing that you end up rooting for these two to succeed no matter what. While the jokes are sometimes crude and there is a lot of swearing, there is definitely something for everyone to laugh at. If you are looking for something new from them, this show is not for you. They even joke about the fact that we all seem to keep coming back, despite nothing changing. If you are like someone like me that doesn’t care and just wants to keep laughing at goofy jokes then this show is for you. Well done as always and I can’t wait to see what ‘new/old’ show you bring back next year.

Kaitlyn Kriss