6 Quick Dick Tricks: A Dirk Darrow Investigation

Tim Motley—PTE – Colin Jackson Studio

First the good: Tim Motley is a fine entertainer and an amazing magician. I found him the first year he was here and have gone out of my way to catch his show every year. His show is worthwhile and his feats will astound. Be prepared for audience participation. The crowd was very appreciative.

The bad: his hair is not the only thing that has thinned( don’t worry, you are still a hunk). The investigation part of his show is missing. He always used to manage to intertwine a riveting mystery into his magic show. That part is sadly missing. His tales of the era of smoke filled private eye offices, classy dames and low level criminals is gone. The shady dealings, gun battles and a triumphant finish with our hero getting the broad are absent. Please don’t do this to us next year. Your unique style of fun and nostalgia was missed. A pair of dress shoes would also not go amiss. See you next year, Tim, and please bring me an investigation story, as only you can do.

Lisa Campbell