Call me Kirk – The ultimate Trek

PKF Productions—PTE – Mainstage

Michael Schaldemose has blended together a number of Star Trek episodes (mostly “Elaan of Troyius”, “The Trouble with Tribbles”, and “Journey to Babel”; with a few other quick shout outs to “The Enemy Within”, “Wrath of Kahn” and some others) into one story. This is then surprisingly cut in a few times with some medleys of Schaldemose as Shatner doing his lounge singer act. Throughout the show Schaldemose expertly portrays the voices and mannerisms of the entire crew and other assorted characters. The sound effects were also cued to perfection adding to the performance.

I really liked that he also ended the show with a rendition of Shatner’s “Get a life” speech. Well done!

Murray Hunter