Angels & Aliens

Active Salad/Peachy Keen Prods.—PTE – Colin Jackson Studio

The program doesn’t do this justice. I was thrilled by this and ran around telling anyone who would listen to go see it. The writing is delicious, sharp, bitingly hilarious. A complaint, also a compliment, is that I missed lines due to the laughter from the previous line drowning out the next. If I had time, I’d see it again to catch these. I’d just see it again period. The duo is so practiced together that they move as one. Their physicality is something to behold. I could count on two hands the number of shows of this caliber this year. I love the imaginative characters they have created; Bob and Bob, especially. The name of the play comes from the premise that aliens and angels, two in particular, are determining the course of mankind; with various screwy options available to them from the Supreme Deity. There is always the option of blowing us up and starting fresh if things don’t work out. While these two are watching us from above, they have the chance to share their view of how we are running things down here. As we know, we are not doing such a hot job. Which leaves room for lots of deservedly critical and unfortunately true, criticism of how we are screwing things up worldwide. There is also a side story of two roommates that have crossed the line the night before. This seemed to particularly resonate with the extremely enthusiastic dating crowd.

I don’t want to dump a bunch of over-used superlatives here. Let’s just say that Jeff is perfect, commanding and right on the mark; while Sydney is so engaging, animated and top notch. Together they are something greater. Their synchronization of movement and dialogue is something rare to behold and a joy to watch. My Fringe Find to date. Magnificent!

Lisa Campbell