I, Love.

Leela Productions—Asper Centre (U of W)

The programme description tells you nothing about this show—with discredit to the troupe, the write-up actually turned me away from seeing this. Waiting in line, one of the actors passed a promo and told me basically that it is sacrilegious, which is what brought me here.

And I’m glad it did.

We follow the young life of Jordan from the moment of conception to enlightenment and the standard life moulders along the way. The journey itself is extraordinary but the bonus of good dancing, sometimes good/sometime bad singing, and downright great entertainment contribute to making this an overall fun time.


If you’re sensitive about this sort of thing (then you probably aren’t a real Fringer), be forewarned that there is ample nudity contained within.

By all means, go see this show—it’s a good adventure.

Ray Yuen