CRUMBS—Pantages Mainstage

Twenty consecutive years of performing at the Winnipeg Fringe is absolutely something to be proud of. I was pleased to check in with the guys, to see if they still had the magic I remembered. And they do.

CRUMBS is a practitioner of long form improv, so if you are expecting many unrelated sketches and lots of audience participation, you will be disappointed. I can’t speak of a “script” per se, since each show will be radically different. The enjoyment of the show is derived from watching Lee and Steve start with three disparate suggestions from the audience (at my show – apes, chocolate, occularist) and weave a story in a series of scenes, that advance the “plot” and ultimately conclude all the story lines in a plausible way. Of course, being improv, the audience is looking for lots of laughs along the way. These guys deliver.

Improv is really HARD, very different from other forms of performance. Lee and Steve, not only have a loyal Winnipeg following, but an international one as well. The experience of twenty years is obvious.

Although there were a few moments when it was apparent that they “dried”, they recovered in nano-seconds, accompanied by laughter.

I have to give a shout out to DJ Hunnicutt, their sound guy, and the venue tech controlling the lighting. DJ really has to be plugged in to provide the appropriate soundscape for the sketch, and the lighting person must be on their toes. Both these people put in solid performances.

One aside – Bring a sweater. It didn’t bother me but the venue is COLD.

CRUMBS – Rock on for another twenty.

Michelle Cook