The Last Night of the World

Dark Horse Theatre—School of Contemporary Dancers

What would you do if you know the end of the world approaches? Say all life on ceases in three months? How about if the apocalypse were to arrive in eight hours? This is the scene for the mishmash of oddball characters in this play. The result is nearly as wacky as the cast.

Ticketed as a romantic comedy, this show brings me back (way back since I’ve been married for a long time) to my bachelor days. Every time I met a person I found interesting, things seemed to jump in the way. For cripes sake, I just want a few precious moments alone with someone and you wouldn’t believe the things that popped up. That’s the fate of our hero Chester.

There’s no gut-busting laughter here but amusing moments march by frequently. You can’t help but smile after watching this show because it’s just good clean fun reminiscent of the comedy of yesteryear.

Ray Yuen