The Ladies Guide to Deceit and Debauchery

Ballyhoo Entertainment—Son of Warehouse

I found out today that this year’s Fringe features seven magic shows! Seven! This is my fourth and I’ve seen some of the illusions overlapping—but not here. The gags in this show are unique (caveat: there are still three other magic shows I didn’t see).

The Fringe programme purports to feature two illusionists, Lucy and Lilly—unless I’m missing something, this is a solo act. Regardless, Hendrix puts on an entertaining background behind the illusions. The programme also calls this a “magical musical.” A couple of songs emerge from the demonstration but by no means would I call this a musical. In fact, Hendrix’s singing abilities—well, it’s not quite an ability, let’s say [it somehow feels very wrong to pan musical ability and have the name “Hendrix” in the same sentence].

Based on the title, I hoped for more scandalous or risqué parts but after all, it’s a magic show and I can see her wanting to keep it kid-friendly.  Still, it’s a solid effort, aside from the singing.

Ray Yuen