Lip Service

Pulsive Party—MTC Up the Alley

Absolutely outrageous and amazing are the two most prevalent descriptors in my mind about this show. From the moment the stage lights come on, I was laughing hysterically as two cast members dressed as giant dancing and singing vulvas take the stage.

The primary themes of this piece are acceptance of self and (if you possess the correct anatomy) a love and respect for your body, particularly between the legs, the ignorance that so many possess about the female body, and somehow the importance of exercise.

The costumes alone were enough to make everything hilarious, but the action followed each vulva as they worked for a vagina service help phone line and educated the audience while expressing the importance of embracing sexuality. There is incredibly energetic dancing, ukuleles, absurd sound effects and hysterically inappropriate material done somehow in an exceedingly charming way. It was great!!!

Calantha Jensen