Tumbling After

MTYP Summer Studio—MTYP – Richardson Hall

“Tumbling After” is a great opportunity to catch up with your favourite fairy tale characters just as they are about to graduate high school. They have all grown up, except perhaps the Frog Prince who is still more frog than prince. Their last days at school are fraught with drama. A wolf-related lockdown interrupts Captain Hook, the shops teacher, as he struggles to teach a sex-ed class (mostly hand holding).

Fast forward a few years and trouble is brewing. Many questions need answers. Who is killing all the Jacks? Who puts a well at the top of a hill? Who cleans Puss in Boots’ litterbox? All is revealed at a spirited and hilarious clip by MTYP’s Theatre School Summer Studio. Solid comedy chops from all in this company!

Barbara Fawcett