Two White Guys Solve All the World’s Problems

Quondam Dreams—Planetarium Auditorium

Every Fringe seems to have at least one show that angers people and stirs up controversy; and Two White Guys Solve All the World’s Problems appears to be THAT show this year. The plot is simple; two ageing old friends spend some time together at the cottage. Lucas is the owner of the cottage, a relaxed, easy-going fellow content to isolate himself from the world’s problems and enjoy life. His friend is Mark, an uptight, increasingly angry and frustrated man who becomes more repellent as the show goes on, as he reveals more and more of his misguided attitudes. It’s Mark’s expressed opinions and inappropriate, racist, bigoted, and biased commentary that triggers the anger and controversy towards this show. What the playwright (Deejay Dayton, who also plays Lucas) is doing here is exposing the ugly reality behind so much of the world’s problems, expressed in the uncensored ramblings of Mark (an astonishingly courageous performance by Jeff Whyte). I’ve known many people just like Mark, unfortunately, content to blame the world for their problems rather than turn their gaze inward and realize that the real problems are within themselves. This show is funny, insightful, nostalgic, explosive, maddening, and thought-provoking, all at the same time, thanks to its hard-hitting script and gutsy portrayals of two very diverse characters. Shows like this are what Fringe Festivals are made for. Go and see it, especially if you feel like being challenged by something daring and unconventional. You owe it to yourself.

Mike Seccombe