It’s All Relative Productions—Pantages Studio

I am soooooo glad that I’m married and so far removed from the dating world. In my day, looking for a date meant going to the Palomino Club; now it doesn’t seem that you can date without a phone. Even if I managed to get a hit through the multitude of dating sites, I don’t think I can engage in the lingo (Ghosting? Catfishing? Backsliding? Un-cuffing? Bread-crumbing?).

Then what happens when you actually get to meet a date? That’s what One Date City is all about. This warm and fuzzy exploration teaches us that it’s all right to seek Mx. Right; it’s also all right to be single. Everything is all right so long as you’re happy with yourself. And again, I’m so happy that I’m married!

Ray Yuen