Call Girls

Not My Favourite Daughter Productions—School of Contemporary Dancers

Two girls act your every fantasy… for a price. Meet our three heroes who run the phones at CGH: Call Girls Hotline. The play follows the hiring of new girl Jane as she learns the ins and outs (pun totally intended) of phone sex from her two co workers.

This play was hilarious! The actors were perfectly cast. The jokes all landed and the actors had great comedic timing. This talented trio played beautifully off each other. In particular, I liked watching them do an a capella rendition of hot line bling. Being a drake fan they nailed it.

The characters were very fleshed out but I would have liked to see a bit more depth. This is especially true for the character Serenity. She was great as comedic relief, but I found she often became a bit of a stock character. I thought this also applied to her more upbeat partner Tracey as well. Both ladies I felt deserved more backstory and development.

Leave the kids and your parents home for this one. It ain’t your grandmas play. Dirty and raunchy you’re in for a laugh a minute. Especially during the commercial breaks.

Kaitlyn Kriss