Meatball Séance

John Michael—The Rachel Browne Theatre

Seeing props in the theatre always intrigues me, and looking at a tableful of food leaves me wondering what he will do with all this. What ensues is the oddest cooking demonstration I’ve ever seen—and you
don’t get to try any of it in the end, not that you would want to.

Everyone in the audience can be a target for a variety of wacky roles, although John Michael promises that you would not be a victim if you cross your arms (not sure if I believe him!). Being drafted could
either be rewarding or embarrassing, depending on your personality, but it’s mostly fun for the audience.

He tries hard but Michael falls just a bit short of what he tries to present. The show isn’t quite funny enough to be hilarious and emotional enough to be touching. It’s still a good time and a fun way to spend an hour.

Ray Yuen