One Man Star Wars Trilogy

One Man Star Wars—The King’s Head Pub

Charles Ross, his renditions on Star Wars, and his multitude of one-person shows have been around a long time and you expect his delivery to be smooth and flawless, which it is. However, it goes way
beyond just that—it’s a over-the-top, mocked reincarnation of the original characters.

If you’ve never seen the franchise, you will miss a lot of the plot, and surprisingly, there was one party in the audience who never saw any of Star Wars.

Huh?! What are you doing here?!

Anyway, most people will be moderate to huge fans, and will know every scene he simulates—but it’s not the scene that makes the show, it’s Ross’s impeccable mockery of the characters that emphasises what you’ve always thought about the movies. Yes, Mark Hamill is a bad actor, and Ross blows Hamill’s shortcomings to ghastly proportions!

The Star Wars franchise has always been a cheesy production, with some installments much worse than others. Ross takes those nuggets of cheese and turns them into gargantuan cheese wheels, and does it expertly. If you like Star Wars at all, you should see this. What the heck, even if you’ve never seen any of the movies, come anyway!

Ray Yuen