Commando: The Radio Play

Ditch Water Theatre—Centennial Concert Hall – Rehearsal Hall

I’ll preface this with saying I have probably seen the movie Commando at least a dozen times and had actually watched it again a few weeks before hearing about the show. While it probably helps if you have seen the movie, as you will be more familiar with the overall plot, I think those that have not seen it will still very much enjoy this farcical take on a classic 80’s action movie. Doing it as a radio play was really an inspired choice and is perfect for a Fringe show.

The three member voice cast wonderfully bring all the characters to life. The sound effects are all done live by the fourth cast member. The menagerie of devices, items, fruits and vegetables that are used to create cars, planes, helicopters, machine guns, a rocket launcher and various results of hand to hand combat sound amazing but are also a sight to behold. The show is of course filled with the ubiquitous 80’s action movie catch phrases you would expect but also includes a few fun ads between scenes that are more reminiscent of the time when radio plays were the biggest form of entertainment.

Murray Hunter