Merkin Sisters—MTYP – Mainstage

I will see Stephanie Morin-Robert, of the famed Merkin Sisters, any chance I get! She always pushes the envelope; and is the epitome of fringey. If you are of an extremely delicate nature, you may not appreciate just how far her boundaries extend, but anyone with a true love of the unique, will be delighted with this show.

Many in the audience did not recognize her as she mingled with the crowd pre-performance, as she was sans the full pubic hair costume she is famous for. Once seen, never forgotten.

It was different, but lovely to see her perform solo, as she shares the wild highs, lows and life-threatening events of her life on the Fringe circuit while pregnant, billeting, experiencing health crises, giving birth, often without her partner Allistair Knowles (of James and Jamesy). The extent of her love for her fellow Merkin sis was so sincere and heartfelt. Her use of her missing eyeball socket (yes, she lost an eye to cancer at age 2), and many other various body parts to represent the baby she was carrying had the crowd cringing and cracking up simultaneously.

Outrageous, heartwarming, and just plain talented, you should never miss an opportunity to treat yourself to an hour like no other. Fresh breast milk and flying eyeballs anyone?

Lisa Campbell