Erik de Waal’s TROLLS, BULLIES & ROCK STARS or A Kerfuffle in a Doodlesack

ArtsDiva Productions—Alto – Portage Place

The Fringe program shows de Waal’s photo with a giraffe puppet, which is his stock photo for the kids’show.


The Fringe made a mistake and published the wrong photo; this show is not suitable for children.

Erik de Waal’s command of story telling dominates the Fringe annually; he is one of the best narrators in the business. Having seen many of his shows, today’s rendition probably witnessed more tongue-slips than cumulative of any year’s run. Let’s just put that one on opening night rough edges.

This show’s content holds a vaultful of disturbing images and scenarios. Sadly, these tales are not just stories—they occur in real life. It’s frightening and horrible and hopefully, living these events with de Waal for one evening will help slay this behaviour from society.

Ray Yuen