Bad Baby Presents: Rules Control the Fun

Lark and Whimsy Theatre Collective—Alto – Portage Place

I hate to write bad reviews. A lot of actors make a living out of doing this and it really pains me to write a downright bad review. On the other hand, I want viewers to get good value for their money. It’s a fine balance that I struggle to teeter.

If I must say negative things, I usually try to be constructive and give as many reasons why I don’t like a show and offer suggestions on how to improve. Somethings, I can’t.

Through the first 50 minutes of this show, I cringed in my seat thinking that I have nothing constructive to say about this show, and I have no suggestions. Well just one—toss the entire thing out and start

Then the last 10 minutes happened.

Yes, she said that she doesn’t want to be like every other one-person (one-woman) show, but what she did there was good, very good. Then we find out that the last 10 minutes could not have occurred without the first 50.

Well that’s a paradox.

Janelle, I guess then, all I can suggest is that I hope you can find a way to improve the first part of your show. I’m sorry but the humour wasn’t funny and the gimmicks weren’t entertaining. The last 10 minutes shows that you can be a superior actor. I hope to see more of that in the future.

Ray Yuen