The Light Bringer

The Light Bringer—The Cinematheque

What drew me to this play was that Bill Pats was its director, and knowing his passions. This is what Laila Lee produces with spades. She had me riveted from the beginning, telling the story of her family, and papa who decided to take this large Muslim family to…AMERICA! Once there, cultures clash and shocks to this Arab family trying to take in what America offers, Disney LANDDDD! Family culture and religion seems to be tantalized and teased by western pop culture, much to the distaste of this lifestyle, making it forbidden. There are a lot of stereotypes of Muslims that she washes away in this production seeing it from a different POV. Laila pours her soul into this story and comes out quite brave and proud of what she has chosen in the end, which was to be a woman first. What ever you do, clear your schedule, come see Laila’s performance.

Kevin Campbell