Hits Like a Girl

Devon More Music—The Rachel Browne Theatre

A lot of people ask me what I look for in a show. As a reviewer, I want to see something well conceived, cogent and well executed—but above all, I want it to be entertaining. As a Fringer, I search for that diamond-in-the-rough. Everyone already knows about 6 Guitars (even though it’s not here this year) and Josephine; I want to walk into the show with no expectations and walk away thinking,
“Wow, that was one of the best shows I’ve seen!” Last year’s winner for me was Devon More’s Flute Loops. Needless to say, one of my most anticipated shows this year is More’s new production. When I saw the last year’s show at the beginning of Fringe, there were only a few butts in the venue. I returned to watch it again with my partner because I loved it so much; by then, the theatre was full. She was no longer a secret by the end of 2018 Fringe; I guess she’s no longer a diamond-in-the-rough. Looking at the number of people in the seats today, middle of the afternoon, her name’s already built a strong reputation.

What I loved about last year’s entry was the wacky character and the ease in which More put together wonderful songs by overdubbing simple notes.

This year’s show begins right off the start with a song, immediately followed by another song. Without the situational development, I now awaited a pure concert, which is fantastic. I love the foot-tapping tunes, coupled with layered lyrics.

Shortly after the second song, More takes us into a different direction, with a coming-of-age
autobiography that is completely unexpected. If you’re expecting more of what you saw last year, don’t be surprised to find it wildly different. The music’s still there, and it’s still great—but there’s a tale and lesson to absorb. Thanks for the share Devon and once again, your show is one of my favourites of Fringe!

And finally, thanks for the special acknowledgement of Treaty 1 with the Anishinaabe, Cree, Dene, Dakota and Metis Nation; it means so much more when it’s personalised, rather than a repeated recording.

Ray Yuen