The DnD Improv Show 12

DnD Improv—The Gas Station Arts Centre

Well it wouldn’t be Fringe without some dice rolling action to end your night and this year is no exception! Of course I am referring to the beloved Fringe classic, the DnD improv show. For those who have no clue what I’m talking about, the DnD improv show takes the retro table top game Dungeons and Dragons and adds live actors into the mix. A story is narrated by a player and game master every night while the audience watches the characters go on an adventure. I loved how they did a great job of going back to the roots of the classic game. It felt more like DnD than in years past. The narrator did a great job of fleshing out the world and piping in details. The talent can also not be stressed enough with this cast. The cast consists of master improvisers who were great at adapting and creating amusing scenes. The only weak spot I noticed in the show was the music. Switching this year to what looked like a beat pad and prerecorded synth tracks, sometimes there were a few dead spots. The musician worked very hard to fix the issues but I found the dead spots did take me out of the show. The music is such an integral part of the show that it was very noticeable. I also found some of the scenes went a tad too long. Sometimes the actors would try to get something going but couldn’t get on the same wave length. Luckily, the narrator did a good job of helping those scenes end. The show was full of fourth wall breaks, but for me it actually added to the show. If you like improv and want a good laugh. It’s worth checking out for sure.

Kaitlyn Kriss