Tomatoes Tried To Kill Me But Banjos Saved My Life

Quivering Dendrites—PTE – Colin Jackson Studio

It’s always a pleasure to spend time with the charming, self-effacing Keith Alessi. While engagingly unfolding his true tale of a fatal prognosis and his narrow escape, you will be treated to his wonderful and hard-earned mastery of the banjo, along with rib-tickling jokes. I never imagined there were so many banjo gags. I particularly loved his tales of his original home of Virginia, where possum is a food staple. We cracked up over his song about a drooling driver anticipating knocking down a five pound critter for a delicious change of fare. Keith even brought a can of possum!

This show is unique, extremely enjoyable and well worth your time. You also get some valuable info about the importance of the theme to ‘The Beverly Hillbillies’; and some history of bluegrass.

The messages he wishes to impart: express your appreciation of those around you while you are still able to do so, and the healing powers of art and music. He says he’s working on a banjo opera; so let’s see what he comes up with next year. When you have have story so nice, we don’t mind it twice. But just.

Lisa Campbell