Robert Will Show You the Door (tales of being fired)

Jeremy Productions—The Clock Tower – Portage Place

So excited to see Susan back from NYC to share her talents with us! One of the best things about this fest is we get to see this calibre of talent for a pittance. Lucky us! This woman will always be on my must-see list as long as she graces us with her presence. A complete professional, with nary a slip, stutter or glitch, her show just flows along on a hilarious wave. Despite her tale of just not making it at various endeavors, I knew anyone this smart and driven would find success. And she has!

If you’ve ever had a crappy job and been treated like it, you will easily find empathy for her various, and according to her, unfair, and often illegal, mistreatments at multiple careers, without a pension (inside joke). It’s such a pleasure to get to enjoy someone excelling at doing what they do best. Brava!

Lisa Campbell