Juliet: A Revenge Comedy

Ryan Gladstone—The King’s Head Pub

With children, you are not supposed to have favorites; but with Fringe plays you can! And this is mine! If I have time, I will see it again. And in 32 years of Fringing, and thousands of plays, I’ve never done that.

If you have knowledge of The Bard, you will get the most from this absolutely perfect production. I can see a lot of the “ha ha” going over ones head if you are not familiar with Shakespeare. The theme this year, rightly, seems strong women turning the tables on male subjection. Will didn’t know what he was getting into here! Kudos to Ryan Gladstone for this most creative, unusual and unique masterpiece. It takes a very cerebral and astute writer to even imagine this concept of Shakespeare’s characters being able to participate in their fates. The two actresses, Lili Beaudoin and Carly Pokoradi, really outdid themselves. I honestly can’t do them justice in few words.

I love intelligent, quirky humour and if it can be decadent at the same time, so much the better; and this play was sexy! The fornication scenes behind the sheet were side splitting! I can’t say enough about the talent here. Just go!

Lisa Campbell