Symptom Circus

Chronically Ch(ill) Productions—Planetarium

What a punch in the face – wow.

I had no idea what to expect walking into this theatre. The guide write-up is about as accurate as can be, but it doesn’t give many clues on what to expect. What we got was a straight fist to the throat of emotions.

Most of us (all?) have insecurities, deficiencies, and oddities—and socially, many try to hide those facts to the best of their abilities. Rhoda bravely peels off all those clown masks to give us a frank look into her world.

As I age, I realise that my body gradually but surely loses strength, endurance and constitution. Some days, I miss what I had and fret what’s to come as I physically continue to deteriorate with the passage of time. Leaving the theatre, I’m thanking every good fortune out there for the health that I have.

Ray Yuen