AWAY, NOW – The World’s Most Desired Destination

Paul Strickland Presents—The Fountain – Portage Place

Paul and Erika are the smiliest, friendliest, folks you ever want to meet. I’ve adored past performances by both of them. That makes this all the harder. I was not impressed. This duo is capable of so much more. I wished I had as much fun watching this as they obviously did doing it.

The title comes from the answer during the pandemic as to what most people respond when asked where they are dying to go. Away, now! The puppetry was the highlight of this for me. So skillful, amusing and obviously took a long time to craft and perfect. And the rich pattern of the suitcase / drum makes a perfect backdrop for this scene. Perfection!

I wish I was as in love with the rest of the show. If you need to repeatedly tell the audience when to clap, you’re already losing us. These two are capable of so much more. Too much repetition, along with a fuzzy storyline, left me disappointed and underwhelmed. These two are so talented; and need to better display this. Doesn’t mean I won’t be there next year.

Lisa Campbell