La La Luna Sea

All About Theatre—John Hirsch Mainstage

I often sit in the back row because I want an panorama of the entire stage, especially at a large venue like MTC Mainstage. Most of the time, it gives me a great view but there are times when I’m at a disadvantage, like today. I could not hear any of the actors’ voices and from the start, I was lost. Often, there are one or two cast members with weaker vocals I have trouble catching, but for the first 20 minutes, I could not hear any of them.

Just before the halfway point, they all found their stage voices, which made the outing perceptible. The title is apt, as there is a load of lunacy, a wad of wackiness and a flittering of fun. It’s not all touchdowns as some of the witticisms were fumbles but generally, it was a cute outing.

Perhaps it was first show jitters but if you’re taking in this show, I would sit near the front, just in case.

Ray Yuen