
An Seanchaí—Théâtre Cercle Molière

I worry about myself sometimes. I worried about myself yesterday when I saw “Pramkicker” at Venue #3 and was laughing uncontrollably at the first 15 minutes or so, during Jude’s (Siobhán Keely) expletive-laced yet hysterical rant about her experiences with a legion of self-righteous mothers at a coffee shop. Is there something seriously wrong with me? No, I don’t think so. This was hilarious, as is a great deal of this show, including the reactions of Jude’s sister Susie (Calum Peppard). No, it’s not for everybody, but it was definitely for me, speaking as part of an intentionally childless couple. I understand completely where the playwright Sadie Hasler was coming from when crafting this delightfully snarky work of art. I recommend this show to pretty much anybody who gets annoyed at others who inhabit their own little judgemental world, and lord it over others. The writing is crisp, insightful, and amazingly funny at points, poignant at others. The performances are top-notch and totally believable; I felt like I was watching an actual interplay between two sisters, not just two actresses playing sisters. If you’re easily offended by harsh language and delicate subject matter, stay home. If you have an open mind and want to laugh until your sides hurt, don’t miss it!

Mike Seccombe