Now We Are Rollin’

Art by Dave Pruden

July 18th-Reviews are now coming in at a good pace, and we have been adding them to the website as quickly as possible.

What’s New This Year—The whole of Old Market Square will not be licensed like it was last year, so it is back to just the Patio and Beer Tent being licensed. Torque Brewing has taken over as the beer supplier to the Fringe. Some of the non-beer options have also been changed up.

Some old venues are back and some have new names, Son of Warehouse, Red River Polytechnic, The Asper Centre for Theatre & Film (U of W) return, The Park Theatre subs in for the Gas Station and the Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame has been added. New honourary names have been added to the Dave Barber Cinematheque and Cherry Karpyshin Mainstage at PTE, while the Royal Albert seems to have lost its Arms and The Output its Video Pool.

For those going to Venue 9 (Planetarium Auditorium), be aware at some point the entrance will be the upper Rupert Street entrance, as there are plans to renovate the lower Rupert Street entrance and the Main Street entrance will also be closed. While we are talking about entrances, if you are headed out to either PTE venue, remember that after 6 pm you need to use the doors to the mall at Portage at Edmonton.

Pics or It Didn’t Happen—Since TwitterX is dying a slow musky death (only 30 companies are still listing a Twitter handle), we are focusing more on Instagram this year. This will be thanks to the hard work of one of our new staff members, Ashley Frantik who is our “Instagram Donkey Handler”. She will be posting Jenny’s Fringe adventures under #doyouknowjenny. We hope you follow along, and have a little incentive to sweeten the pot…

The 13th Jenny Award, an Ass Backward Category—Our normal modus operandi for the Jenny Awards is to not release any of the 13 categories ahead of time. This year we are doing something a little in reverse. Ass Backwards in fact. We usually have a catch-all category for all the shows that deserve recognition but don’t quite fit in under the other categories. This year we are saving a spot in that last category for the winner of an Instagram Poll which will start the last Friday of Fringe. The poll will include the 10 companies that have liked/followed/shared our #doyouknowjenny Instagram posts the most throughout the Fringe. You will still need to win the category at the Jenny Awards to take home a little donkey, but it will increase your odds just a little bit.

-Murray Hunter