Martin Dockery: TRUTH

Concrete Drops Theatre—Tom Hendry Warehouse

An absolute fever dream of a show, the fantastic comedic timing and storytelling prowess of Martin Dockery applied to a straightforward story format that rapidly disintegrates into chaos. Due to being both scatological and pornographic (though always at a comedic distance) paired with an American-centric political core, this is definitely a show targeted at an older audience, but an audience who will in all likelihood enjoy it.

For myself, while I question a bit of the political relevance of attempting to reinforce the anti Trump sentiments of a Winnipegian population already largely in agreement and unable to participate in the relevant upcoming election, I don’t believe this to take away from the show experience itself. For any fans of Dockery’s free wheeling storytelling comedy, a must see as always, and as always make sure you get there early, or buy tickets in advance.

Josh Fidelak