Escape From Winnipeg

Plisskin Productions—MTYP – Mainstage

With Tamlynn Bryson as Snake Plisskin and Rod Peter Jr. (and a puppet) as everyone else, you are transported to the future of 1997, well the future as far as an 80s action movie is concerned. Like an 80s action movie it is over the top, but also a lot of fun.

Unlike a Hollywood blockbuster, a Fringe show budget necessitates a little creativity in visual effects. Their use of an overhead projector with some simple animations to create the more spectacular stunts and scenes was well done.

The send-up of the misogyny present in most of that movie genre can at times be a Snake Plisskin punch in the face, but those movies deserve it. There are a few call-outs to some of John Carpenter’s other movies and a lot of very funny stuff that had the audience laughing. I don’t really know what to make of the Snake Plisskin and puppet sex scene, but Rod’s reactions as the somewhat less enthusiastic puppeteer really sold it.

Murray Hunter