
Gregoire Entertainment—CCFM – Antoine Gaborieau Hall

Don’t panic, as I did, when you don’t see a sign for Venue 19. Same as last year, for some unknown reason, there isn’t one, ridiculous.

This is one of the many, many magic shows at this year’s Fringe. But don’t worry, it’s Wonderful! Winnipeg’s Patrick Gregoire is a polished, charming young man with a wonderful, warm voice and just happens to be impeccably dressed and easy on the eyes. He must be performing a lot, as he never misses a beat and is so comfortable with his audience. As in most magic shows, patrons are involved in the show. So be prepared if you sit at the front. Well known Winnipeg magician Brian Glow was in attendance at the first show, and volunteered.

As I scanned the audience, people were literally leaning forward on the edge of their seats; with huge smiles. As with all great magicians, he has you gasping over and over “How did he do that?”.

Lisa Campbell