Extreme Players

Power Grab—Planetarium

A workplace where seemingly every reasonable request by workers is coldly denied without consideration by a manager who seems to be experiencing personal AI glitches. A church after a hypothetical “Vatican III” where you have to maintain a certain number of “Penitent Points” in order to be able to receive full services from it, where if you can’t do this by living a good, clean life, maybe you can do it with dollars. Another workplace that claims to be healthy having policies whose implementation definitely undermine its healthiness for workers. Being told where to stand and what you can or can’t purchase in a store during the height of the pandemic, creating new tensions and conflicts between people that may have been created by government rules. And finally, imagining life on Mars where as a worker you have no rights or means of escaping a potentially cruel employer.

Come see our show! It is an anthology of stories, full of interesting situations and ideas regarding the abuse or misuse of power in our modern or near future world, that will also hopefully make you laugh!