A One Human Being, Potentially Comedic Performance of The Nightmare Before Christmas

Living the Dream—Son of Warehouse

Are you a fan of the classic 1993 Tim Burton animated stop motion film, The Nightmare Before Christmas? If so, you’ll have a great time. A ton of audience participation, including singing the songs from the film and helping act out the parts, definitely makes this a great experience for anyone coming of age in the 90s, or someone who has ever haunted the Winnipeg hot topic.

While I think it’s legally required for all the shows in this genre to disclaim that they’re for everyone and not just fans of the media being adopted, this is one I would definitely say benefits from familiarity with the material. We had someone in our showing decked out in fan merchandise just absolutely sending it when called upon to fill out the backing vocals, and they definitely had an amazing time.

Josh Fidelak