1 Family Friendly Comedy Show, Please!

Happy Capybara Productions—Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame

The audience for this show kind of speaks for itself, which is you, if you’ve ever wanted to bring your kids to a stand-up show but you don’t want to wait until they’ve learnt most of the fun curses. As it turns out, kids are a tough crowd, and especially between the ages of 5 to 8, which was the entire audience (plus caregivers(and me)).

For adults with or without children, I would say that there was an unintentional Always Sunny in Philadelphia-esque atmosphere to the whole thing. Jokes that went over the youngests’ heads, crowd work falling flat in the face of resistant kids, and disruption from young ones wandering or shouting about all kinda came together to make this wildly funny in an unintentional but undeniably effective way. I would legitimately recommend people watch based on this, but only to a certain extent, as obviously this dynamic would be destroyed by too many irony poisoned adults. C’est la vie.

Josh Fidelak