Bremner sings How to Pack A Revolution In Your Suitcase

Big Empty Barn Productions—CCFM Salle Pauline-Boutal

This is a historical musical journey through the songs created during the Wiemar Republic in Germany from the late 1920s through its eventual fall due to the rise of the Nazi party. Bremner’s smooth baritone sings the songs from a period of artistic and personal freedom created in part by the artists that fought for it. Songs by Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht feature prominently, with a bit of story telling in between that uses a bull horn to deliver quotes from various leaders of the art movement of the time.

He juxtaposes the rise of Fascism 100 years ago to our current environment that is eerily similar. It can be perhaps a bit dour at times, but he provides a little gleam of hope with his last two songs, and notes that the Fascists could not kill the art as it managed to escape and still survives today.

Murray Hunter