Let’s Kill A Dragon

SensibleChuckleTheatre—John Hirsch Mainstage

5 adventurers, 4 flesh and blood with one knitted doll, work to complete a grand adventure and avoid falling prey to adventure guild HR for poor performance in the field. Essentially a series of comedy skits in different locations, we follow the crew’s adventure to the dragon they need to ultimately take out in order to save their jobs. Playing larger than life characters, heavily steeped in tropes and strong accents, the delivery and writing is fun, if occasionally dragging with bits held for too long. Also, just a personal gripe, but I’m not a fan of AI art being used outside of the context of insane memes, and its usage to fill out the backgrounds was a bit much for my tastes. Extremely watchable and fun, any fans of wacky comedy and silly fantasy adventures would do well here

Josh Fidelak