Absolute Magic

Keith Brown—Bandwidth Theatre

I was tipped off to see this by a friend who attended the Toronto Fringe. She was so right. I’m not usually a fan of magic shows but I’m so glad I took the heads-up! This engaging young man has his future assured with a level of showmanship far beyond his years . He not only gets my vote for best-dressed Fringe performer (man, does he Rock a suit!) but best magic show I’ve seen in person. His trick with needles, one that landed him in hospital, comes complete with X-rays and video throughout the show. He totally involves the audience in his act. And he shares his beer. He loves the crowd and they love him back. All ages will enjoy. Just don’t try to eat right after his act. My tummy was queasy for quite some time. In a good way, like after a great roller coaster ride. My only comment is I would have preferred more visual acts and fewer card tricks. Amazing!

Lisa Campbell