Comedy Isn’t Funny Anymore

Kali Wags—Onstage at Pantages

It is fitting that a show honouring the history of vaudeville show take place on the Pantages stage. This theatre is integral to the history of Vaudevillian theatre in North America and boasts a proud history of entertainers (including Houdini). I know this because this is something I learned in the first 5 minutes of the show. Stephen Sims and Caity Curtis flow seamlessly between new and old, improv and script to present an entirely new breed of comedy show. While parts of the show were scripted (We were told this up front), It was tricky to tell what was improv versus what was scripted. I loved the banter between the two artists. They really riffed off each other and had good stage chemistry. The show ran very smoothly and transitions were handled in a unique way. In between sections the audience would sit in darkness and listen to prerecorded segments. Although these were interesting, they tended to run a little long. I thought a lot of the jokes in the tracks went very long and should have ended much sooner especially when we were all sitting in the dark. It was tough to expect anything from reading the show synopsis but I am very glad I went. These two are pros at what they do and it shows. Vets of the comedy scene they can turn any scene into a good one. The two performers were hilarious and I would definitely check them out!

Kaitlyn Kriss