It is ironic that the arbitrary assigning of venues does both the performers and the public a disservice. Amazing, sellout artists such as Martin Dockery are assigned 65 seat saunas and the public can’t get in. He is losing well-deserved revenue, with two productions at the same, horrible venue. Meanwhile amateur, poorly attended shows are given the almost 400 seat Warehouse. A lot of our Fringers are seniors and due to health and mobility issues are unable to attend 4th floor sweat boxes. This is very disturbing to me. Not fair to both sides as everyone loses.

Lisa Campbell

Editor’s Note:The venue in question, ACI Manitoba, is a BYOV which is booked by the performers as they did not win a spot in the Fringe lottery for a regular venue. There was also an elevator at this venue, though it may have been available only by request, and it was reported as air-conditioned by another patron.