Hello Jenny Revue,

This year’s Fringe is turning out very nicely for our group so far, “Dark Horse Theatre”, and our show “The Companion” is doing very well indeed. Unfortunately my Fringe experience was marred last evening by a rather sour incident in the beer tent, just before our 11:15 show. I was out in full prisoner costume, complete with handcuffs, passing out handbills for our show and attempting to drum up business, as so many performers do. I was moving from table to table in the beer tent, doing my bit and drawing up as much interest as possible, when I approached a small group of youngish folks. I asked them if I could advertise my show; I was promptly told to “F*** Off” by a rude young man. Ouch. As performers, we need to do everything in our power to attract patrons, and that includes canvassing people around Fringe Central. I was not rude, overbearing, or pushy in any manner. That sort of a response to a show pitch just isn’t necessary. I continued to pass out handbills and do my advertising, but that crude reply put a damper on my evening. Our show went well, regardless. Onward and upward. This won’t ruin my year, it just points out an unpleasant side of some people. I hope that other performers aren’t having similar experiences.

Mike Seccombe

Dark Horse Theatre