One Woman Sex and The City: A Parody of Love, Friendship and Shoes

Yellow Flamingo Productions—The Playhouse Studio

Kerry Ipema is the energizer bunny. That is the only way she could possibly keep up that much energy by herself for 60 minutes. This shows takes a beloved franchise and turns it upside down and inside out. What falls out are bang-on impressions, hilarious puns, and a little audience participation for good measure. Ipema is able to completely embody these characters in the blink of an eye and transitions between them at a breakneck pace. Even I understood who she was talking about without having watched the show. As a non fan a few of the jokes and references went over my head but I still had a few genuine laughs. Everyone in the audience (including the men) got right into the show and the back and forth between audience and performer was electric. This show is definitely worth checking out and I would highly recommend it!

Kaitlyn Kriss