
Happy Sunflower Sunshine Hour—Onstage at Pantages

I’ve been hearing for a few years now that Frances Koncan is a terrific writer, but for one reason or another, I never managed to see one of her plays until yesterday. Now I know what all the fuss was about. When you see as many plays at the Fringe as I do, it is difficult for one production to stand out in your mind as this one did. This morning I was still replaying scenes mentally and making new connections between the world we live in and the world(s) that the playwright and players created.

This script is easily worthy of its nomination to the short list for the Harry Rintoul award, but a script is just a script until the players bring it to life. The cast and crew did an almost flawless job, and although it is a little unfair to single out one performer in a strong ensemble, the woman who played the rebellious princess showed some great comic timing. (I don’t have a program, so I cannot name her.)

Kevin Longfield